When was the last time India practiced
intolerance? During the Dadri murder or during the Babri demolition, during Indira
Gandhi’s draconian emergency years or Sikh massacre of 1984 or during Congress’
glorious corrupt years? The list is too long. And when was the last time India
practiced tolerance? Did it begin with the Vedic age and end with Mahatma
Gandhi’s non-violent independence movement? No, tolerance has been ingrained in
Indian culture, which finds its roots in Bharatiya Sanskriti (culture) and
Hindustani Tehzeeb (Culture). It is the India of today that has turned a blind
eye to its glorious past and choses to cherry pick certain events that are
politically correct. If the so called intellectuals had chosen to speak in time
and politicians had acted before time, the socio-economic picture of the
country would have far too different. But it was more important to glorify the
cruel Mughal rule and British Raj in the schools than establishing schools in
remote areas of the country and create research facilities at university level that
could have stopped Indian youth from running away to the West for better
education and employment opportunities. But it was more important to not put
the history in the right perspective, rectify the politically correct mistakes.
Bhartiya society was so deeply immersed in the
idea of peace and universal brotherhood that it could not see the military
advance of Alexander. Chanakya – the first Indian political realist shaped the
country’s foreign and military policy, and gave birth to the concept of Akhanda
Bharat (One Bharat). Surprisingly, while PM Narendra Modi is trying to weave-in
India’s neighbourhood, the satellite states and the international community,
his critics are calling him the NRI prime minister.
Babur – the first Mughal invader in 1526
plundered Bharat’s cultural and religious wealth (first Muslim ruler was
Mohammad Bin Qasim who invaded India in 8th century), and started
the process of transforming Bharat into Hindustan. Later, the British Raj
further plundered India’s Hindustani culture (also known as Ganga-Jamna
Tehzeeb) for over 250 years, transforming Hindustan into India. The result –
Bharat that spread from the hills of Hindu Kush in Afghanistan to Indonesia
shrunk steadily and became Hidustan and today what we have is India, which has
several unresolved border disputes and numerous social issues. It was a game of
imperial politics for the Mughals and the British, something which the
(scattered) Hindu rulers of the day couldn’t resist due to their lack of
collective approach to foreign and military policy. It was foolishness on our
part to have excessively practiced peace and universal brotherhood and not have
a strong standing army. Religious tolerance was practiced to the extreme level,
military & diplomatic foolishness had no boundaries, because of which this
country has paid a heavy price for it. Neither extreme level of tolerance nor
foolishness has any scope in Indian society.
How many Indian historians have countered the
British version of Indian history that depicted India in a bad light? Remember,
Max Muller - a German scholar - advised the British to enslave India with western
education. How many Bollywood personalities have questioned the Western
depiction of India as the country of slums and superstitions? Where were these
artists when Charlie Hebdo portrayed Prophet Mohammad with a bomb in his turban
and M F Hussain painted Hindu gods and goddesses nude? And why the
intellectuals have kept quiet on Islam’s constant comparison with terrorism and
when Congress leader P Chidambaram coined the word Hindu terror?
The so called ‘tolerance brigade’ argues that
Hindu saints eat beef during the Vedic age, but have we not progressed and
become more civilised than before? If eating beef is one’s choice, then
respecting the religious feelings is also their duty. If the incident like
Dadri has brought bad name to Hinduism and to India, then it is the
intellectuals – the other fringe – who at a right time started shooting at the
Modi government and fell silent immediately after the final phase of elections
in Bihar was over. The intellectuals exceptionally did well in spreading a
message of ‘intolerance’, but have miserably failed to suggest a concrete
solution for making India tolerant. It was verbal violence. Violent exceptions
are the realities of every society. But violence in the name of religion and
colonisation through economic oppression has never been part of Hindu society.
It is nearly impossible to cite an example where Bharat, Hindustan or India
waged military invasion to expand territory and carried out conversion to
increase its population. But the recent verbal rant of the saffron clad
sanyasis (hermit) is in no way a call to protect the Hindu culture. They might
think that they are doing service to the Hindu society, but unknowingly they
are damaging image of the Hindu religion, which has survived the wrath of
Islamic invasion and conversions by the Christian missionaries. But for the
benefit of the Indian society, these sanyasis and mullahs will have to keep
quiet and introspect what is wrong with their society. And the intellectuals
will have to make constructive contribution than mere verbal violence. And
finally, the political leaders will need to speak and act at a right time.
Remember, the fault lines on both the sides.